Emergent geographical & social processes in the (solar) energy transition


Mercredi 21 Mai 2025

12h30 – 13h30


The efforts to move towards renewable energy do not come without an impact on the social and geographic processes that comprise our everyday. In the first part of this talk, we explore how the emerging production sites of renewable energy are transforming rural and natural environments into energy suburbs of the urban. Whilst in the second part of the talk we explore the role of colour photovoltaics as a potential solution for encouraging decentralised energy production in urban environments and demonstrate how participatory mapping tools and immersive technology can support a greater understanding of local perceptions.

This free webinar is accessible through the Webex platform of the Université de Luxembourg. It is hosted Prof Catherine JONES, assistant professor in Digital Human Geographies Faculty of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences (Department of Geography and Spatial Planning) and Prof Phillip DALE, full professor in Physics, Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine
(Department of Physics and Materials Science)

Mercredi 21 Mai 2025

12h30 – 13h30




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