Fair For Forestry: International Sustainable Forest & Natural Capital Investment Conference 2025

Foire / salon

Mardi 25 Mar 2025 > Jeudi 27 Mar 2025

Tuesday : 8h50 - 17h00 / Wednesday : 8h50 - 19h15 / Thursday : 8h50 - 18h30

Cercle Cité Place d’Armes I B.P. 267 I L-2012 Luxembourg

The Luxembourg AgriBusiness Association is hosting a major three-day fair. The event will feature a seminar on March 25, followed by a two-day conference on March 26 and 27. It is organized in partnership with DANA New Zealand, whose Director, Dennis Neilson, will deliver the opening speech on the morning of March 25. The event will address global investors in forestry, biodiversity private financing, carbon credits, trees, and natural capital.



Registration opens  
0850-0900 Seminar opens - Welcome & Housekeeping Dennis Neilson, Director, DANA NZ, New Zealand
0900-0930 The Global Supply Demand Balance Trends for Logs Rocky Goodnow, Director, Forest Economic Advisors, USA
0930-1000 The Global Supply Demand Balance Trends for Sawn Timber Diego Benedetti, Economic Affairs Director, European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) Brussels, Belgium
1000-1020 The European Wood-Based Panels market Orifjon Abidov , Senior Economist, European Panel Federation, Belgium
1020-1050 Coffee Break  
1050-1120 Biomass Continued: Charcoal and Biofuels -- Implications for wood fibre demand - and Q&A Juan Prados, Director General, Generadi, Spain
1120-1150 Torrefied Pellets and Carbonised Biomass: A future Coal Replacement for Power Generation and Steelmaking: The Role of Woody Biomass as a Raw Material. Michael Wild, President International Biomass Torrefaction & Carbonisation Council (IBTC), Austria
1150-1220 The Global Supply Demand Balance Trends for Pulp & Impact on Wood Fiber Demand Inkeri Nuutinen, Consultant, AFRY Management Consulting, Finland
1220-1300 Working Lunch - with luncheon presentation about the new Luxembourg Skypark Business Centre Mass Timber Construction Project Luxembourge Skypark Builder, Skypark Builder
1300-1330 Where China goes, so does global wood products trade go: Predictions of China demand for softwood log and sawn timber - and both hardwood and softwood woodchip imports: 2025, 2029 and 2034 Dennis Neilson, Director, DANA NZ Ltd, New Zealand
1330-1400 Mass Timber: The Key to a Sustainable Building Future - A Global Overview (or an alternative title to suit) Charline Lefèvre, Project Engineer, Ney & Partners WOW, Belgium
1400-1430 Seedlings to Solutions: Connecting the Dots Between the Timber Supply Chain and Mass Timber Buildings — A Forester and Developer's Perspective. A Case study. Troy Harris, Director, Jamestown, USA
1430 Seminar ends  
1415-1700 Field Trip to Luxembourg Skypark Business Centre [subject to host approval]  
  Mass Timber Construction Project

Conference 1:


Time Topic Presenter
700 Registration Desk Open  
0850-0900 Conference Opens - Welcome and House Keeping Dennis Neilson, Director, DANA NZ, New Zealand
0900-0910 Luxembourg Agribusiness Association: An introduction Philippe Durey, President Luxembourg Agribuisness Association (LuxAA), Luxembourg
0910-0920 Opening Address  
0920-0930 How domestic and international forestry and wood processing investment can enhance a country's economy and environment: A New Zealand Case Study The Honourable Todd McClay, New Zealand Minister of Trade, Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting & Fishing; Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs, New Zealand
0930-1000 The role of the European Investment Bank (EIB) in Agriculture and Natural Capital Investment Mrs Vigliotti,  Vice President, Agriculture and Natural Capital, European Investment Bank
1000-1030 TBC  
1030-1100 Morning Coffee Break  
Theme The Global Forest Investment Space
1100-1130 International Forest Investment - An overview: 1. Where are institutional investors buying forests, 2. Return expectations, 3. Multi-country Country Forest Investment Attractiveness Ratings and Rankings Dennis Neilson, Director, DANA NZ, New Zealand
1130-1200 How is the Emergence of Natural Capital Investments Reshaping the Forest Investment Asset Space | Portfolio for the Future Dr. Chung-Hong Fu, Managing Director Economic Research and Analysis, Timberland Investment Resources, USA
1200-1230 Private Equity Investment Trends -- Including Agribusiness - Forestry Raphaël Betti, Partner Assurance - Climate Change and Sustainability Services Leader, Ernst & Young S.A., Luxembourg
1230-1400 Lunch  
1400-1430 Sponsors Presentations  
1430-1500 The interest of a major International Bank in forestry investment Sophie Dimopoulou, Head of Distribution Luxembourg & Eastern Mediterranean Countries, BNP Paribas Asset Management and Céline Claudon, Chief Commercial Officer, IWC.
1500-1530 The development of a forestry portfolio by a major European/International industrial company: Why does Europe feature so heavily? Andriy Hrytsyuk, Forestland Portfolio Manager · Ingka Group (former IKEA Group)
1530-1615 Afternoon Coffee Break  
1615-1645 The attractiveness of Natural Capital to a major Global Insurance Group – Take-always of investing into forestry & agriculture for 15 years Hans-Joachim Seyfarth, Head of Illiquid Assets Natural Capital, MEAG MUNICH ERGO Asset Management GmbH, Germany
1645-1705 What does a Private Family Office Business look to when making investment decisions? Does "sustainability" play a role? Axel Oddo, Directeur Général, OBE and Partner chez Vasgos France
1705-1725 The Family Office Angle of Biodiversity Focused Forest Investments Aleksandra Holmlund, CEO Qarlbo Biodiversity, Sweden
1725-1745 Q&A for the days presentations  
1745 Day 1 ends  

Networking Reception


Conference 2:


Time Topic Presenter
700 Registration Desk Open  
0850-0900 Conference Opens - Welcome & House Keeping Dennis Neilson, Director, DANA NZ, New Zealand
Theme Agriculture and Forestry
0900-0930 The Role of Forests and Agriculture in an Investment Portfolio Carl Atkin-House, Head of Natural Capital Strategy, Climate Asset Management, UK
Theme Global Forest Investment - by Regions
0930-1000 North America - the largest investible forest market in the World: SE, NE and PNW regions) and its role in growing Natural Capital Troy Harris, Director, Jamestown, USA
1000-1020 Europe (Nordic/Scandinavia-Baltics, UK and Iberia) Tapani Pahkasalo, Partner DASOS Capital, Finland
1020-1040 France Lionel Kiesmann, Ingénieur Forestier, Racines, France
1040-1100 The untapped potential of South East Europe as a forest investment region Daniel Paul Dima, Managing Partner, Porini Log Oy, Finland
1100-1130 Coffee Break  
1130-1200 Forest investing in Latin America Esben Brandi, Head of Business Development, BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group, Denmark
1200-1230 What attracts so many international Companies, Asset Managers and Private Family interests to invest in Forestry (and in Agriculture) in Oceania? David Gardner, Chief Investment Officer, Forestry Gresham House, UK
1230-1300 Forest investing in Africa: Is a Different Approach Required? Ole Sand, Managing Partner, Criterion Africa Partners, USA
1300-1400 Lunch  
Theme Secondary Markets
1400-1420 The opportunity to invest in (Global) forest fund markets through "Secondary Offerings" Stephen Addicott, Managing Partner, Stafford Capital Partners, UK
Theme Forests and Sustainability/Carbon Offsets/Credits
1420-1445 A Legal/Investor perspective of the new EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), and other EU legislation that forest investors and wood importers should be aware of Sara Nordin, Partner, White Case LLP, Brussels
1445-1515 Climate change risks and opportunities for European timberland investment Darius Sarshar, Principal, Europe SLM Partners, UK
1515-1540 The opportunities to invest in forestry for carbon credits - A major Asset Managers perspective Arnaud Filhol, CEO, France Valley Asset Management, France
1540-1600 Forestry 3.0: Preparing for the 3rd age of forestry Keith Lamb, Senior Associate Margules Groome and Lecturer, Scottish School of Forestry, UK
1600-1615 New Products-Funds-Projects Panel Claudio Braidotti, Chief Investment Officer, CarbonPool, Switzerland
1615 End of Conference  
1615-1700 Delegates tour of the nearby Palace of the Duke of Luxembourg  
1700-1830 Optional: Financial Networking Reception - Delegates and invited guests from the Luxembourg financial community

Mardi 25 Mar 2025 > Jeudi 27 Mar 2025

Tuesday : 8h50 - 17h00 / Wednesday : 8h50 - 19h15 / Thursday : 8h50 - 18h30

Cercle Cité Place d’Armes I B.P. 267 I L-2012 Luxembourg



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